The Royal Air Force flag is flying high over St Peter’s Hill in Grantham following
an official ceremony today (Friday 1 April).
The ‘Fly the Flag for the Royal Air Force’ standard raising commemorated the
day in 1918 when the RAF was founded and recalls wartime memories of RAF
Spitalgate as a key WWl flying training base in Grantham.
South Kesteven District Council Chairman Cllr Breda-Rae Griffin welcomed
guests wearing the medals won by her father, Flt Lt Alan John Griffin, a Spitfire
pilot who flew in the Battle of Britain.
She said; “Thank you for joining me today for this ceremony. The RAF was
founded on 1 April 1918, towards the end of the First World War, by merging the
Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service.
“The Armed Forces Services Week in June of course celebrates and recognises
all the armed forces, including the RAF, but South Kesteven has a wealth of
RAF history.
“With this in mind it is appropriate that we celebrate by holding this ceremony in
recognition of the role of the RAF within the district.”
Leader of SKDC Cllr Kelham Cooke attended the ceremony along with council
staff, Royal British Legion representatives and standard bearers and RAF
Prayers were offered by Father Aron Donaldson from St Wulfram’s Church.